Monday 10 September 2012

EDF Field Command Squad

EDF Field Command Squad - Callsign 'BULLSEYE 1'

lead by General Petraeus and his most trusted soldiers.


General Peraeus belives in diversity and has chosen his personal squad from the toughest soldiers within the EDF.

Comms expert Captain Blake - an extraordinary competant communications officer, he is able to relay orders and keep his head clear while war wages around him.

Staff Sergent Knarll - a human kroot hybrid who has proven himself a truely fearsome warrior. SSGT Knarll's prefered weapon is an improved autogun with underslung grenade launcher which he himself designed.

Corporal Jakka - Once a tribal Ork commander, he fled his fellow orks when they learned of his cowardice during a 'Waaaagh' that lead to a heavy defeat of the Orks. Blamed for the loss, he fled in a imperial shuttle to avoid death.
Jakka accidentally found Eden when he crash landed and he was captured by the EDF.
Seeing Jakkas potential as a soldier he was drafted into the EDF at private level.
Forever playing on his mind that he was once thought to be a coward, Jakka fights without boundries to prove to himself (and everyone else) that he cannot feel fear.

Trooper # 8 - A cyborg manufactured from reverse engineering of necron technology, with a complex humanoid artificial intelligence. Number 8 was the most sucsessful of the previous 7 completed cyborgs. #8 is capable of free thinking and fights like any other soldier assigned to the EDF.

close up of the General and his communications expert.